Friday, April 8, 2016


You traverse your path Oh Lonely traveler,
The endless voyage across nights and days,
The one that follows you forever and ever,
I am that shadow, my existence says!

You walk in the morning through the ups and downs,
Kicking the pebbles on the uneasy street,
The one that shows you direction ahead,
I will be that light to guide your feet.

As you make your way through the desert in the noon,
Lost in the layers...thick dunes of sand,
The one that relieves your throat so dry,
I will be that drop of water on that land.

When the sun is setting and you sit on a rock,
To relax for a while beside the sea,
The one that brushes your face and combs your hair,
I will be that breeze and give peace to thee.

Once again you start when its twilight,
And climb ahead on the snowy heights,
The one that caresses you as you shiver,
I will be that warmth and hold you tight.

When you feel scared in the silence of the dark,
Amidst the woods and the whining trees,
The one that whispers, “You are not alone!”
I will be that buzz of the crickets around thee.

And once you are tired and rest in your bed,
On your way to a sun brand new,
The one that blesses you with beautiful dreams,
I will be that star and shall guard you!!!!

31st August 2011

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