Tuesday, April 5, 2016


When I lifted my lids for the first time ever,
And the world sprinkled itself upon me,
I don’t remember how I felt,
But there was magic in what my eyes did see!

When I stood on my feet beside the bed,
And then started toddling my way around,
The explorer in me set out to travel,
With a sense of wonder for everything I found.

As I stepped outside the doors of my house,
And eager I was to learn and rise,
I learnt I was not the centre of the world,
But every victory felt great and magic was my prize.

I won and I lost, at every step in life,
I fell and got up wearing wounds and scars,
I watched people step over me and yet I smiled,
With magic and courage that took me to stars.
And then one time, I fell in love,
And felt a handful of glitter, upon my face,
Little did I know that pain came along,
But love is beautiful and magical were those days!

Then I let my heart bleed and cry very often,
For every time love kissed me, it lost its charm,
And every time I wiped off those tears,
I smiled again and felt magic bring calm.

Still fighting life, like a warrior on the field,
I fall, I rise, I laugh, I scream,
Facing every challenge that comes my way,
My prayers are magic and my spirit does beam.

As I sit back today, I ponder over,
How I grew in all these years,
Who helped me solve every puzzle in life?
How I crossed this path full of my fears?

The magic that held my finger all this while,
The light that guided my soul each day,
Came from nowhere but from within,
‘Your God is in you’, as they often say!

So I know that this magic lies within me,
And I can paint pretty smiles full of verve,
I am a magician with a powerful wand,
And spells on my lips ready to serve!

4th April 2016 


  1. Heart touching yet inspiring towards the end. Loved the simple usage of words which fit aptly with your emotions. good work!

    1. Thank you so much Kanika. Your words mean a lot and I am glad you liked it :) Thanks a ton.

  2. You surely are a magician my darling. Loved it :)

  3. Extremely heart warming and described every attributes of a fighter! Way to go girl. Very well written :)

    1. Thank you so much Ritu... You have always been very inspiring sweetheart! Will keep writing ☺☺
