Thursday, April 21, 2016

Dreams come true!!!

There did rest on the hill top, 
Three giant green trees so tall,
In the beautiful bond of friendship;
They lived together through spring and fall.

One sunny morn as they discussed their lives,
Their greatest dreams became the talk.
Nature heard them in full serenity
Wind too was calm on that silent rock.

The first tree uttered in full pride
“I want to be the box holding the most precious jewel
On the Earth as I watch,
On me, the whole world will drool.

The second tree too had a great dream to share
“I want to sail on the vast deep blue,
And be the ship that carries the greatest king,
To his golden kingdom, I will sail him through!”

The third one listened patiently to them until
He was asked what his real dream was.
He simply said “I don’t want to be cut ever,
I wish to grow tall and be the closest to God!”

The three slept that night smiling
As their dreams shone with moonlight.
Came there a woodcutter at dawn,
And alas! They vanished before sunlight!

The first tree was cut neatly by the carpenter,
Not into a box for a precious stone,
But into a routine box that was taken
By a farmer who left it in the fields alone!

The second tree became a tiny boat,
That carried the fishermen to the coast,
And not a huge ship for a great king,
Of his giant kingdom who could boast.

The third poor tree was of no use,
“A waste!” thought the woodcutter as he kept it aside,
Into a room that was dark and lonesome
Where its’ tears it could silently hide!

The three friends lost all hope in life,
Their dreams were shattered to the core.
Silenced by the judgment of destiny against them
The cloak of sorrow forever they wore.

A day came when a child was born,
In the house of a shepherd extremely poor,
He had no place to keep his baby,
Till he saw a box outside his door.

He grabbed the box and filled it with hay,
For his little jewel to rest snug and warm.
And safe slept the baby in all times
In sun, in rain and in the storm.

The child grew and he sailed in a boat,
Along with some fishermen he met someday.
And as the storms hit them hard,
This man uttered “Peace!” and the storms went bay!

One holy Friday the sad third tree
Was brought out into the light,
The whole world saw it was the closest to God,
As on it, that man was then crucified!!!

12th April 2012

 - Inspired by a story I heard in my childhood

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