Wednesday, October 19, 2016


If you're done with me,
For one last time, I urge you,
To take away all that we shared,
And all those moments I spent with you!

If you're done with me,
Take back the love that was mine,
That you showered once on my empty soul,
Take back those days, turn back the time!

If you're done with me,
Just wrap in a box, that magic that light,
That once you spilled on my life,
To make it happy, to make it bright!

If you're done with me,
Make me forget your touch your face,
And your very existence, for the memories
Will haunt us till the end of our days!

If you're done with me,
Mute the sound of your laughter, your words,
That have buzzed in my ears all this while
That make me forget the whole wide world!

Since you're done with me,
Do me a favour and I ask no more
Take back those drives, those coffees and wine,
That dance and those songs, before you close the door!

And if you can't do this for us,
Then listen to me and open your eyes,
See that our time together is forever,
On endless lands and infinite skies...

Listen to the faint but strong voice
Of your heart that wants you to be
My friend, my light and my joy
Always my dear, for you aren't done with me!!!

19th October 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016


This is a song for you, Oh Summer!
About how I miss your younger days,
When your innocence brought a smile,
With bright and shiny delight on my face!

Your mornings were fresh,
And smelled of the sun so warm,
The birds chirped in glee as they broke their fast,
And busy with their routine, the bees did swarm.

The noon was rather a silent time,
One could barely hear the humdrum hymn,
Of a hammer, as somewhere near, a mason sang
His mundane song that was boring and grim.

The children waited for the sun to go down,
They would run in the evenings all over the street,
Jumping, laughing, cycling and singing,
And licking the ice cones to beat the heat!
Not before their mothers called them,
The crickets buzzed announcing twilight,
The Jasmine filled our hearts with fragrance,
And the trees cajoled the birds that went out of sight!

And when the night came, the city hardly slept,
For somewhere or the other, the power went out,
So fighting the mosquitoes, we sat on our terrace,
While glowing merrily, the fireflies would flout!

I miss those days and those summers even more,
That have adulted into hatred and spite,
Just like us, as we grow, from pure, untainted beings,
To adults, paying innocence as a price!

“The summer of today is a brutal beast”,
They say, “Killing the meek on its way”,
Or maybe we have lost, our sense of wonder,
Our appreciation of nature in all its days!!

3rd June 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Once life drew a sketch of a girl,
Who looked like a princess as her hair would curl.
Her lips wore a smile and eyes happy tears.
And her face glowed white with no sign of fear!

Pretty and full, she had love-laden breasts,
And a lotus like bosom where her friend did rest.
Pinned on a wall, from the sketch she would peep,
And she looked life herself, this girl was deep.

Life’s sketch was perfect but long was its' day,
So as the stars started shining, it went to sleep away.
Not knowing of the noise of the death so dark,
That came from a distance but slowly grew sharp.

At the stretch of the night, wind brought along,
The clouds of death as the willow cried her song.
The sketch struggled to survive on the tall wall,
But while life was asleep, death took away all!

The wind tied the girl to the rope of doom,
That dragged her through sorrow till her face bore gloom.
All this while, the girl slept through the time,
And she woke up to a sun that didn’t seem to shine!

Something went wrong in that one night,
The sketch was the same but it didn’t feel right.
Her eyes, her lips, her face turned dim,
As her bosom felt shallow, she had lost him.

The wind took away, her friend in the night,
Life wept with her, in regret and fright.
Days passed by, and the life tried again,
To colour the girl’s sketch in joy’s name.

Even today they peep, the girl’s eyes from the wall,
Pretty like a princess, her hair do fall,
On her face that smiles, but devoid of bliss,
As she yearns to be with love whose dreams she does kiss!

Life still loves her girl and people admire the art,
While the girl stands numb with her love-forgotten heart!

16th March 2013

Monday, May 9, 2016


Hush! Let me hear the sound of the wind
That blows by my ears and whispers a word,
A word of invite to a mysterious land
That is unseen and unheard.
“Follow the leaves that blow with me,
Those which are dry and long dead,
Dead, but are now alive in their spirit,
To sleep forever in the snuggest bed”

“There you will find real emotions and blues
That are fake, fraudulent and untrue,
Untrue in this world full of pretentions,
So come with me to darkness new!”

“You sound like the charming serpent!”
I say to the wind, “and lure me to take the final call,
A call that will end all sorrows forever
And will rid me of scrapes, big or small.”

“But wait! let me look at the message of the sun
It has been trying to show me a stream
The stream of light that holds me back
And lures me to take a dip in the dream.”

“It’s the dream of holding my head high
As I fight all the darkness spread around
And then sleep in contentment of my victory
Over my fears that keep me bound!”

 So I shun the wind and open my arms
To the radiance of a tough but warm sun,
And take on the spirit of a true fighter
And not give up till am happy and done.

28th September


Monday, April 25, 2016


I saw her each day as she sat across the bay,
Her elegance, so feminine and the innocence of a child,
She rolled her eyes that held the spark of mischief,
At times she chuckled, at times gently smiled.

They knew of her charms, of the magic she possessed
And they knew of her grace even when un-kept.
But little did they see beyond her timid self, 
The strength that backed her at nights as she wept!

Broken since an age, her soul stood silent,
Ready to roar out the fire one day,
The flames that burned her heart so warm,
And killed her slowly, as she went astray!

Astray from virtue, as many believe,
Pointing fingers, calling her names,
While little they saw her quest for life,
Quest to breathe away from shame!

So there she waits, for a miracle to come,
And make slight changes to her fate,
Tired, she holds her head in her hands,
Smiling with complexities wrapped in her plait!

13th August 2015

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Dreams come true!!!

There did rest on the hill top, 
Three giant green trees so tall,
In the beautiful bond of friendship;
They lived together through spring and fall.

One sunny morn as they discussed their lives,
Their greatest dreams became the talk.
Nature heard them in full serenity
Wind too was calm on that silent rock.

The first tree uttered in full pride
“I want to be the box holding the most precious jewel
On the Earth as I watch,
On me, the whole world will drool.

The second tree too had a great dream to share
“I want to sail on the vast deep blue,
And be the ship that carries the greatest king,
To his golden kingdom, I will sail him through!”

The third one listened patiently to them until
He was asked what his real dream was.
He simply said “I don’t want to be cut ever,
I wish to grow tall and be the closest to God!”

The three slept that night smiling
As their dreams shone with moonlight.
Came there a woodcutter at dawn,
And alas! They vanished before sunlight!

The first tree was cut neatly by the carpenter,
Not into a box for a precious stone,
But into a routine box that was taken
By a farmer who left it in the fields alone!

The second tree became a tiny boat,
That carried the fishermen to the coast,
And not a huge ship for a great king,
Of his giant kingdom who could boast.

The third poor tree was of no use,
“A waste!” thought the woodcutter as he kept it aside,
Into a room that was dark and lonesome
Where its’ tears it could silently hide!

The three friends lost all hope in life,
Their dreams were shattered to the core.
Silenced by the judgment of destiny against them
The cloak of sorrow forever they wore.

A day came when a child was born,
In the house of a shepherd extremely poor,
He had no place to keep his baby,
Till he saw a box outside his door.

He grabbed the box and filled it with hay,
For his little jewel to rest snug and warm.
And safe slept the baby in all times
In sun, in rain and in the storm.

The child grew and he sailed in a boat,
Along with some fishermen he met someday.
And as the storms hit them hard,
This man uttered “Peace!” and the storms went bay!

One holy Friday the sad third tree
Was brought out into the light,
The whole world saw it was the closest to God,
As on it, that man was then crucified!!!

12th April 2012

 - Inspired by a story I heard in my childhood

Friday, April 8, 2016


You traverse your path Oh Lonely traveler,
The endless voyage across nights and days,
The one that follows you forever and ever,
I am that shadow, my existence says!

You walk in the morning through the ups and downs,
Kicking the pebbles on the uneasy street,
The one that shows you direction ahead,
I will be that light to guide your feet.

As you make your way through the desert in the noon,
Lost in the layers...thick dunes of sand,
The one that relieves your throat so dry,
I will be that drop of water on that land.

When the sun is setting and you sit on a rock,
To relax for a while beside the sea,
The one that brushes your face and combs your hair,
I will be that breeze and give peace to thee.

Once again you start when its twilight,
And climb ahead on the snowy heights,
The one that caresses you as you shiver,
I will be that warmth and hold you tight.

When you feel scared in the silence of the dark,
Amidst the woods and the whining trees,
The one that whispers, “You are not alone!”
I will be that buzz of the crickets around thee.

And once you are tired and rest in your bed,
On your way to a sun brand new,
The one that blesses you with beautiful dreams,
I will be that star and shall guard you!!!!

31st August 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2016


The grace of a falling leaf
Is grace for a moment just.
For then it is unknown,
And buried unknelled, uncoffined in the dust....
The beauty that it possessed,
Since the time it was born
Will then vanish away,
One fine morn!

"Don't forget Oh Green leaf!
You above with pride,
Autumn will bring the same fate to you,
And you'll have to abide.

The grace that you claim,
For your being there,
Tomorrow will not be yours,
And you'll be nowhere........

27th May 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I look into the steamed mirror,
And deep inside, I know, YOU rest beyond....
I can't see through the steamed mirror,
And deep inside, I fear, I rest beyond....
I don't want to clean the steamed mirror,
For deep inside, I know, WHAT rests beyond....
I see a dream there in the steamed mirror,
And deep inside, I know, WE rest beyond....
I draw you and me on the steamed mirror,
And somewhat I see, WHO rests beyond....
I get scared of the steamed mirror,
But deep inside, I knew, REALITY rests beyond...
I want to break the steamed mirror,
But then I will lose, the TRUTH that rests beyond...
So, I clean with my hand the steamed mirror,
To see you in me as we rest beyond!!!

11th February 2012

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


When I lifted my lids for the first time ever,
And the world sprinkled itself upon me,
I don’t remember how I felt,
But there was magic in what my eyes did see!

When I stood on my feet beside the bed,
And then started toddling my way around,
The explorer in me set out to travel,
With a sense of wonder for everything I found.

As I stepped outside the doors of my house,
And eager I was to learn and rise,
I learnt I was not the centre of the world,
But every victory felt great and magic was my prize.

I won and I lost, at every step in life,
I fell and got up wearing wounds and scars,
I watched people step over me and yet I smiled,
With magic and courage that took me to stars.
And then one time, I fell in love,
And felt a handful of glitter, upon my face,
Little did I know that pain came along,
But love is beautiful and magical were those days!

Then I let my heart bleed and cry very often,
For every time love kissed me, it lost its charm,
And every time I wiped off those tears,
I smiled again and felt magic bring calm.

Still fighting life, like a warrior on the field,
I fall, I rise, I laugh, I scream,
Facing every challenge that comes my way,
My prayers are magic and my spirit does beam.

As I sit back today, I ponder over,
How I grew in all these years,
Who helped me solve every puzzle in life?
How I crossed this path full of my fears?

The magic that held my finger all this while,
The light that guided my soul each day,
Came from nowhere but from within,
‘Your God is in you’, as they often say!

So I know that this magic lies within me,
And I can paint pretty smiles full of verve,
I am a magician with a powerful wand,
And spells on my lips ready to serve!

4th April 2016