Sunday, February 17, 2019

It's my time

One step a day, I keep moving ahead,
Kicking the pebbles on my way,
The road leads where, I might not know,
But the path feels right, for sure I can say.

For I can see the bright golden sun,
Guiding my trail in heavenly light,
The breeze seems cheerful on my side,
While the warmth of the sky just feels right.

No one can stop me at this moment,
For it is my life and it is my time,
The birds will sing to my music,
And the butterflies will dance to my chime.

I am getting closer to the stars each day,
As they paint the horizon to welcome me,
And the silver moon prepares a cozy bed,
Everything is in place, from where I can see…

18th February 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


It’s here, it’s here,
The season of our dreams,
Feel the scent at some distance,
It’s not so far, it seems.

I can hear its sound,
As the birds chirp their way,
To the bright green leaves,
Where they eat, sleep and stay.

I can smell its fragrance,
From the flowers new born,
As they paint the world pretty,
Working dusk to the dawn.

I can see the happy colours,
Sprinkling glee on my eyes,
Enchanting reds and pinks and purples,
And orange trumpet vines.

I can feel its soft warmth,
As the sun touches my face,
Pats my cheeks with glow,
And brings me back my grace.

I can taste its beauty now,
For the world seems all right,
The skies are blue and the grasses green,
It’s a perfect pleasurable sight.

It’s here, it’s here,
The Spring of my dreams,
The grey days are over now,
With euphoria my heart beams.

5th February 2019

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


It is rather a time of joy,
Now that you are about to leave,
For we could never see eye to eye,
So now I shall no more grieve.

Until the next time when you come again,
To wrap the world in your beautiful blanket,
Of cold, white and painful silence,
That will slow time down to tranquil.

But I hardly admire the peace of your presence,
In our lives for those nights so long,
For you bring with you chilly winds,
That sing a grim and gloomy song.

You paint deep wrinkles on the faces
Of young and old, everyone alike,
And put to bed timid creatures,
That run for their life, as you strike.

You announce your arrival with a sweet fragrance,
That invites everyone for a walk in the woods,
And then you reveal your dark face,
That hisses cold secrets from under the hood.

On your way back, when you are in full bloom,
You scribble epitaphs for the poor and old,
Who give in to death and it takes them away,
To become lost stories, forgotten and told.

So, now that you are leaving, O Winter,
I bid you farewell with a joyous heart,
And I wait for Spring and all its colour,
For a new life and old warmth as you depart!

30th January 2019

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Her tiny tale of love...

Image result for loveThat racy morn she stepped towards him,
Sat by his side as he closed his eyes.
Hair half wet and a glow on her skin,
Little did she know, this wasn't wise!

She stroked his arm with her gentle touch,
"Wake up sweetheart, it's getting late!"
Half sleepy but fully awake,
He smiled and left the rest to fate!

She knew what he wanted for that smile was new,
Of course she was waiting, desiring the same,
Resting her hand now on his chest,
Image result for shadows kissingShe tried to wake him up again.

This time he held her tight in his arms,
Bringing her closer as she turned red.
The perfect picture, a beautiful moment,
As they caressed each other lying on the bed!

She looked at him with eyes full of love,
As he smiled again in her arms,
He heart beat faster as she got lost,
She was a prey to all his charms...

No one between them as love took over,
Gently they kissed and all felt right.
He had brought to life what was dead inside her,
Out of the darkness, she came to light!
Image result for love
She still remembers the taste, his lips, his tongue,
That fragrance, the touch is fresh on her mind.
Those ten minutes of life that she really lived,
Made her fall in love... Love that's truly blind!!!

19th April 2017

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


I never gave enough thought,
Image result for pearl necklace in a wooden boxTo this beautiful yet simple thing,
Resting in my wardrobe since forever,
Shining bright white without bling!

Lying in a carved wooden box,
Waiting to adorn my neck with grace,
Tied together in a gentle thread,
Lay in elegance my pearl necklace.

It's visits outside my closet were rare,
For I never valued it as much as gold.
It never charmed me like silver did,
And pearl stories, unlike diamonds, are untold!

And one morning unfine, the box felt dull,
I opened it to hear hollowness that screamed,
Image result for pearl necklaceFrom inside the wood as the necklace was missing,
Empty! Dark! Coarse! And nothing beamed...

I now miss the necklace,
For I know not where it has gone.
I feel incomplete without my priceless possession,
But they keep on saying, "Life moves on!"

And they utter the same words,
When I shed a tear or two,
In your memory that lives with me,
Oh Grandma! I really miss you!

You were like that pearl necklace,
Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses, selfie and close-upBeautiful, serene and always bright..
I wish I could turn back time for a while,
To hear your voice and to feel your light!

I wish I could still touch your skin,
Full of wrinkles, warm, soft and old,
Your aura like the string of pearls,
That's above all diamonds, silver or gold!

Never did I spend much time with you.
Lesser each day as older I grew!
My heart held love and care but I forgot,
That nothing is forever and you were growing too!

Now that you are gone, I pray you're safe,
In another world, life or space..
And I promise to keep you in my heart forever,
My white shining pretty pearl necklace!!!

5th April 2017

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


If you're done with me,
For one last time, I urge you,
To take away all that we shared,
And all those moments I spent with you!

If you're done with me,
Take back the love that was mine,
That you showered once on my empty soul,
Take back those days, turn back the time!

If you're done with me,
Just wrap in a box, that magic that light,
That once you spilled on my life,
To make it happy, to make it bright!

If you're done with me,
Make me forget your touch your face,
And your very existence, for the memories
Will haunt us till the end of our days!

If you're done with me,
Mute the sound of your laughter, your words,
That have buzzed in my ears all this while
That make me forget the whole wide world!

Since you're done with me,
Do me a favour and I ask no more
Take back those drives, those coffees and wine,
That dance and those songs, before you close the door!

And if you can't do this for us,
Then listen to me and open your eyes,
See that our time together is forever,
On endless lands and infinite skies...

Listen to the faint but strong voice
Of your heart that wants you to be
My friend, my light and my joy
Always my dear, for you aren't done with me!!!

19th October 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016


This is a song for you, Oh Summer!
About how I miss your younger days,
When your innocence brought a smile,
With bright and shiny delight on my face!

Your mornings were fresh,
And smelled of the sun so warm,
The birds chirped in glee as they broke their fast,
And busy with their routine, the bees did swarm.

The noon was rather a silent time,
One could barely hear the humdrum hymn,
Of a hammer, as somewhere near, a mason sang
His mundane song that was boring and grim.

The children waited for the sun to go down,
They would run in the evenings all over the street,
Jumping, laughing, cycling and singing,
And licking the ice cones to beat the heat!
Not before their mothers called them,
The crickets buzzed announcing twilight,
The Jasmine filled our hearts with fragrance,
And the trees cajoled the birds that went out of sight!

And when the night came, the city hardly slept,
For somewhere or the other, the power went out,
So fighting the mosquitoes, we sat on our terrace,
While glowing merrily, the fireflies would flout!

I miss those days and those summers even more,
That have adulted into hatred and spite,
Just like us, as we grow, from pure, untainted beings,
To adults, paying innocence as a price!

“The summer of today is a brutal beast”,
They say, “Killing the meek on its way”,
Or maybe we have lost, our sense of wonder,
Our appreciation of nature in all its days!!

3rd June 2016